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Bulletin 4-14-2024


*The FA family welcomes our guests. We are excited that you are here.

*Last Sunday’s attendance was 194. Invite someone this Sunday. It could very well change their life forever.

*Wednesday Night Family Ministry this week, evening meal served at 5:30 followed by ministry for the whole family beginning at 6:30.

*Attention: Children are a vital part of the ministry here at First Assembly. See Pastor Mark Smith or Micah Kreil to get involved.

*Attention: Find a small group that fits you. Join us for coffee, juice and doughnuts in the FACS Center beginning at 8:45am. Classes start at 9am, see Earl Wood for more information.

*Announcing: FACS Softball begins next week, for more information checkout our website at or call the school office. 

*Adult Bible Study is Monday night at 6pm at the home of Gene and Nell Strother.

*Announcing: Peru 2024 – July 5th-12th, See Jim Jordan for more information.

*Announcing: March Missions Spotlight is on Jon and Dede McCluey, missionaries to the Deaf and Hearing Impaired. Please continue to pray for her and all of our missionaries.

*Announcing: Water Baptism service, today during the morning celebration service. *Announcing: Mission Peru Luncheon is today immediately after the morning celebration service. Please join us.  

Testing of Faithfulness


As I sit here pondering the extreme faithfulness of our God, I am reminded that my proper response is being faithful in return. Reading the Psalms and a Proverb daily has taught me that to the faithful God shows Himself faithful. The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write “…it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”  Being faithful doesn’t always come with a lot of fanfare or glory. Often times, being faithful attracts no attention at all, except from God Himself. It is clear, God values day to day faithfulness and the little things always matter. The Lord will say one day to a select group of people, “Well done, good and faithful servant… Let us not be deceived, being people of faith requires that we will live by it for without faith one cannot please God. Faithfulness is thus mandatory, not out of a spirit of compulsion but a spirit of gratitude expressing itself in servitude.  Dena and I are so grateful to be surrounded by a crowd of “towel toters”, those who serve faithfully inspiring others to do the same. We do not know how long it will be before the Lord’s return, but Revelation 22:14 says, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.”




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