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Weekly Events

Bulletin 11-10-24


*The FA family welcomes our guests. We are excited that you are here.

*Last Sunday’s attendance was 222. Invite someone this Sunday. It could very well change their life forever.

*Attention: Children are a vital part of the ministry here at First Assembly. See Pastor Mark Smith to get involved.

*Attention: Find a small group that fits you. Join us for coffee, juice and doughnuts in the FACS Center beginning at 8:45am. Classes start at 9am, see Earl Wood for more information.

*Announcing: The Month of November Missions Spotlight is on Josh and Beka Jones, missionaries to Italy. Please continue to pray for them and all of our missionaries.

*Attention: Adult Bible Study at the Strother’s is Monday night at 6pm.   

*Ladies War Room Bible Study is Tuesday at 6pm in the Blair Center.

*Wednesday night is Family Night. Supper is at 5:30pm, with ministry for all ages beginning at 6:30pm.

*FACS Basketball opens this week, call the school office or go to for more information.

*Announcing: FACS will honoring our Veterans with a special program and luncheon on Monday beginning at 11am. Call Laura Coleman or the FACS office for more information.

*Announcing: Light for the Lost Banquet is Monday night at 7pm, see a pastor for more information.

*Announcing: Thanksgiving Outreach Prayer Canvas will be Saturday from 10-12pm. E will meet at the church at 9:30am. See Rick Coleman for details.

*Announcing: Missions Service and luncheon with Steve and Tece Entsminger, missionaries to Spain.

Message from the Pastor

2024 Ministry Theme: “Look Up”

Luke 21:28 “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”




There is a powerful, life changing application, Old Testament story found in 2 Kings 13. It involves a dead prophet and dead soldier. The miracle of the resurrection story centers on a resurrection residue still in the bones of a prophet of God. Verse 21 says, “So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they spied a band of raiders; and they put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet”. This miracle of resurre4ction was triggered by that which was still present in the bones of Elisha. Even though dead, his spirit in paradise, his bones still contained an anointing that raised the dead. Like a fire that has had its flame extinguished, the ember still burns and when contacted by dead wood, the flame rekindled. I don’t claim to know all that this story teaches, but what I do know is that the anointing of the living God brings de4ad things back to life. So what is it that needs to be resurrected in your life, your marriage, your ministry? If the residue anointing of a dead prophet an raise the dead and it did, then what is it that God cannot do? I’m convinced that there is nothing that our God cannot do, except to lie. Let’s believe this morning. Let’s believe for big things, impossible things today, and let’s believe no matter how things look, what people say or what the devil does. Jesus said the sisters of Lazarus “if you can believe, you will see the glory of God”.




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