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What We Do




What to believe?

This generation has witnessed and been immersed into an information explosion like
none in history. Today’s culture is saturated with information on any topic, from any
angle with nothing that appears to be off limits. I recently listened to a podcast of a
ministry that specializes in calling out other ministries they don’t agree with. This
particular one seemed to be sincere in their quest to be heresy hunters, watchman if you
will, to warn true believers of ministries and ministers they refer to as false teachers. One
of their champion passages is found in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 that says, 3 “ For the time will come
when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own
desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;  4  and
they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables”. Jesus too,
said that in the last days there would be an abundance of false Christs and false
prophets who would deceive many, (see Matthew 24). I realize that more than ever we
need to preach, teach, and live truth. I also realize that today it is extremely, vitally
important that we provide a strong foundation of truth, solely based upon God’s word,
rightly divided. Paul said to the Thessalonians that a time would come when people
would no longer have a love for the truth, (see 2 Thessalonians 2). Just a word of
caution, some of these well intentioned (maybe) ministries seem to categorize all
Pentecostal, Charismatic groups into those false teacher categories by taking parts of
songs, and teachings out of context, thus casting a bad light on their ministry. No
ministry is perfect nor are their ministers, but to refer to someone as a false teacher
simply because of a difference of style, flavor or minor doctrinal disagreement is a scary
thing indeed.

Current Service Schedule
  • Team Discipleship : 9:00 am

  • Morning Worship Services: 10:00 am

  • Wednesday Night Ministry, Supper @ 5:30pm

  • Bible Study, Children's Ministries, Youth Services: 6:30 pm

  • Announcing: “Sunday Night Seek”, the 2nd Sunday night at 6pm
    It's time to seek!



Tel: 256-354-4090 

Fax: 236-354-4675

85621 Highway 9 Ashland, Al 36251


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